Everday a celebration

Ed and I have been through so much yucky stuff this year that we have decided to make every day a celebration of something. We began on Friday by celebrating Friday. We took a ride and tried a new restaurant that I thought was lovely and Ed thought was OK. That means it was, what my friend Jennifer calls, shi-shi-la-la. Ed got a blue cheese hamburger and pomme frittes. He said he likes 5 guys better. That’s my man!

Yesterday, Ed woke up and said, “Today, we will celebrate your beauty.” I know, awwwww. But did that mean I had to remain beautiful all day??? Only kidding. Several times throughout the day, he celebrated by telling me I was beautiful. And I celebrated by saying, “Thank you.” That may sound lame but the point is that we are looking for things in life to celebrate. We can get so wrapped up in seeing the negatives and moaning and complaining sometimes that it takes a little work to spy out the little mundane things to be happy over.

Today, we celebrated FOOD! After church, we came home and I made simple sandwiches on real Jewish rye bread from Fresh Market, some smoked turkey, Alpine Lace Swiss cheese and whole grain Dijon mustard. We followed that with a bowl of ripe watermelon cubes and sweet red grapes. Mmmm, so good. After a short rest the two of us went to see Julie and Julia which was a delightful story. The hair, make up and wardrobe were flawless. The sets of Paris were fun, fun, fun and Meryl Streep was brilliant as Julia Child. We ate popcorn and drank Cokes through the movie. In a little while I am going to cook us some chicken with fennel and garlic and some roasted veggies. God is do good to us. Ed doesn’t know it yet, but I am making strawberry shortcake for desert. Food, glorious food!!!

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