crooked and sober

28 02 2010

This caused me to have a “remember when” moment.

You know how, when you have had a long drive and you finally get to your hotel and get checked in? The first thing we do is head for the potty, right? Are you with me so far?

Well, I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention past the fact that it looked clean enough for business. When I sat, I felt completely off balance because I did not expect to be sitting on a slant. Immediately, my mind went back 33 years to a little cottage that I lived in at the end of my drinking. The cottage was very old and the land had settled under it, causing the entire house to be on a slant. I was usually drunk and I never really noticed how off balance the floors were until I got sober. LOL

Thank God I am sober today and I realize that the toilet is the thing off balance, not me. I am only going to be here  for 6 days so, I can stand it for that long. It is probably good for me to remember and to be grateful that I don’t live crooked and off balance today.